YouTube sensation crushing these waves

YouTube sensation crushing these waves

SurfPaints Interviewer Series
We hand-select individuals from our community to hear the stories behind their designs.
Hi Noz, Welcome to the SurfPaints Interview Series!1. Can you introduce yourself? Age, location, occupation, surfing experience?
Hi I'm Noah Wallis, mainly known as Noz or Surfing With Noz online. I'm 22, and I live in the Northern Beaches of Sydney, Australia. I've been surfing for 13+ years and I do Surf Coaching in-person/online + do YouTube almost full-time.
2. What made you want to paint your surfboard?
Just to add some flare to my boards and spice things up! As a grom, I'd see Craig Anderson with black stripes or JJF with a coloured tail, and I guess I've always wanted to do my own art on my surfboards. Also, it might sound crazy but I have this sort of placebo effect where I feel like I surf better on a board that looks cool haha.
3. What Surfboard did you paint, and why that one?
I've painted probably 8+ boards overall, but if we hone in on my most recent one, I painted my favourite board that I've had for a while (Vibe Surfboards: Lowfoot – 5'6 x 19 1/8 x 2 5/16 [25.51L]). I like my boards quite a few inches smaller than me and then make up for the volume in the rails + width. I ride this board the most and I got it custom with black rails. Then I painted a cute penguin on it ages ago but thought the top needed some more personality so I drew some blue wavy flames off the edges.
4. Where do you get your inspiration from?
For this design specifically, I saw a picture on Instagram of a grom with a similar design but black. So all credit goes to him. But in general – Pinterest & any social media is good to get ideas from or just go off your favourite colours, patterns, personal style etc.
5. How do you rate your artistic skills?
I don't think I'm terrible but I'm also not amazing either so maybe a 4/10. But you guys can be the judges 😂 Just like any skill though, I believe if you put the time in, you can get really good at something!
6. Roughly how long did it take to complete?
I was doing a bit of filming as I went but the blue wavy flames took me around 2hrs.
7. Any tips for preparing the surfboard before painting it?
Be patient and sketch out the design with a pencil first, erasing any errors with a rubber. This is key before the paint goes on!
8. What was one tool or technique that helped you achieve this amazing design?
I wouldn't call this design amazing by any standards haha. But learning the 'Paint Pooling' technique definitely gave it a better texture. To do this – dab the pen rapidly until you get a small puddle of wet paint, grab some sort of brush and dip it in water (not too much), then spread the wet paint out with the brush. It's really simple but you can get a really unique look and texture with the paint!
9. What is your favourite thing about using Surfpaints?
It has to be the ease of use! Being able to whip out the pens and jump right in is so easy and fun. Anyone can do it 🙌🏽
10. One piece of advice you would like to give others about painting a surfboard for their first time?
Don't worry about making it perfect, just take your time with the pencil beforehand then use the paint after. Oh and make sure to put 3x layers of clear acrylic spray on after the paint dries – to ensure it doesn't come off your board and you get a nice glossy finish. Thank you so much for reading and happy painting 🤙🏽
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